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Dr. Margot Den Hondt
Plastisch, Reconstructief en Esthetisch chirurg

Curriculum vitae Dr. Den Hondt: CV

"We zijn allemaal waardevol. We zijn allemaal uniek. En we zijn allemaal kwetsbaar. Plastische chirurgie kan iets heel mooi zijn. Een beslissing om iemand te opereren, is een weloverwogen keuze die je enkel voor jezelf mag nemen, in samenspraak met jouw chirurg en correct geïnformeerd. En als aan deze voorwaarden voldaan is, dan vind ik dat het mag. Dan vind ik dat je mag schitteren in de beste versie van jezelf; dat je jouw resultaat met trots mag dragen. De buitenwereld zal misschien merken dat er 'iets' is gebeurd. Dat je wat meer straalt. Maar bovenal weet jij dat je deze keuze om de juiste reden gemaakt hebt."


  • Margot is een introvert die houdt van presenteren en yoga. De boeken en podcasts van o.a. Brene Brown en Elke Geraerts inspireren haar om dicht bij zichzelf te blijven in haar professionele leven.

  • Spaghetti bolognaise is haar lievelingsgerecht.

  • Margot houdt van dansen en heeft jaren salsa lessen gevolgd. Om indruk op haar te maken schreef Nicholas zich ook in voor een reeks, met succes (naast de dansvloer).


  • 11/2017
    Award Best Resident's Presentation Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery, La Hulpe, België
    Onderwerp: Second victimness - a call for appraisal. 


  • 04/2017
    Award Best Resident's Presentation Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery, Brussel, België
    Onderwerp: ​Individualized learning on a four-day microsurgical training. 


  • 05/2016
    Award Best Oral Presentation Joint meeting EURAPS Research Council and EPSRC, Brussel, België
    Onderwerp:​ Tracheal tissue-engineering; epithelial grafting of gently-decellularized trachea. 


  • 05/2016
    Award Best Oral Presentation Belgian Surgical Week, Brussel, België
    Onderwerp:​ Tracheal tissue-engineering; in-vivo response of mechanically-stripped trachea with autologous epithelial covering. 


  • 06/2015
    Award Best Oral Presentation European Residents in Plastic Surgery, Favignana, Sicilië
    Onderwerp: Structural evaluation and in vivo response of gently-decellularised trachea. 


  • 08/2013
    Award Second Best Long Oral Presentation European Plastic Surgery Research Council, Hamburg, Duitsland 
    Onderwerp: ​Tracheal allotransplantation: the learning curve. 


  • 05/2013
    Shenaq Award Best International Oral Presentation Plastic Surgery Research Council, Santa Monica, Verenigde Staten
    Onderwerp: Tracheal allotransplantation and prefabrication for long tracheal stenosis with withdrawal of immunosuppression. From bed to bench. 




  • Van Kerckhoven L, Den Hondt M, Van Brussel M, Vranckx JJ. Artiss® and burn treatment: a retrospective analysis contributing to current clinical practice. Int J Burns Trauma, 10 (2), 21-27, 2020.


  • Wilssens N, Den Hondt M, Duponselle J, Sciot R, Hompes D, Nevens T. An uncommon presentation of a cutaneous angiosarcoma. Acta Chir Belg, 1-3, 2020. DOI: 10.1080/00015458.2020.1722926. 


  • Den Hondt M, Starr M, Millett M, Smyth J, Scolyer R, Shannon K, Thompson J, Ch’ng S. Surgical management of the neck in patients with metastatic melanoma in parotid lymph nodes. J Surg Oncol, 120 (8), 1462-1469, 2019. DOI: 10.1002/jso.25732.


  • Den Hondt M, Vanaudenaerde B, Verbeken E, Vranckx JJ. Requirements for Successful Trachea Transplantation: A Study in the Rabbit Model. Plast Reconstr Surg, 141(6), 845e-856e, 2018. DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000004429.


  • Den Hondt M, Vanaudenaerde B, Verbeken E, Vranckx JJ. Epithelial grafting of a decellularized whole-tracheal segment: an in vivo experimental model. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg, 26(5), 753-760, 2018. DOI: 10.1093/icvts/ivx442.


  • Den Hondt M, Vanaudenaerde BM, Maughan EF, Butler CR, Crowley C, Verbeken EK, Verleden SE, Vranckx JJ. An optimized non-destructive protocol for testing mechanical properties in decellularized rabbit trachea. Acta Biomater, 60, 291-301, 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2017.07.035.


  • Maughan EF, Butler C, Crowley C, Den Hondt M, Teoh GZ, Hamilton N, Ansari T, Janes S, De Coppi P, Birchall M, Elliott M. Comparison of Tissue-Engineered Scaffold Strategies for Paediatric Tracheal Transplantation in a Lapine Model. Laryngoscope,127(12), E449-E457, 2017. DOI: 10.1002/lary.26611.


  • Vranckx JJ, Den Hondt M. Tissue engineering and surgery: from translational studies to human trials. Innovative Surgical Sciences, 2017. DOI: 10.1515/iss-2017-0011.


  • Den Hondt M, Vranckx JJ. Reconstruction of defects of the trachea. J Mater Sci Mater Med, 28(2), 24, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s10856-016-5835-x.


  • Den Hondt M, Vanaudenaerde B, Verbeken E, Vranckx JJ. Tracheal tissue-engineering: In-vivo biocompatibility of mechanically-stripped allogenic rabbit trachea with autologous epithelial covering. Acta Chir Belg, 1-11, 2016.
    Best Oral Presentation - Belgian Surgical Week, Brussels, Belgium.


  • Den Hondt M, Vanaudenaerde B, Delaere P, Vranckx JJ. Twenty years of experience with the rabbit model, a versatile model for tracheal transplantation research. Plast Aesthet Res, 3,  223-230, 2016.


  • Delaere P, Vranckx JJ, Den Hondt M, Leuven Tracheal Transplant Group. Tracheal Allograft after Withdrawal of Immunosuppressive Therapy. New England Journal of Medicine, 370(16), 1568-1570, 2014.


  • Vranckx JJ, Den Hondt M, Delaere P. Prefabrication and Prelamination Strategies for the Reconstruction of Complex Defects of Trachea and Larynx. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery, 30(3), 145-152, 2014.


  • Vrints I, Den Hondt M, Van Brussel M, Nanhekhan L. Immediate Debridement of Road Rash Injuries with Versajet® Hydrosurgery: Traumatic Tattoo Prevention? Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 38(2): 467-70, 2014.


  • Tollens T, Den Hondt M, Devroe K, Terry C, Speybroeck S, Aelvoet C, Vanrykel J. Retrospective analysis of umbilical, epigastric, and small incisional hernia repair using the Ventralex™ hernia patch. Hernia, 15 (5), 531-540, 2011.





  • Vranckx JJ, Den Hondt M. Tissue Engineering Role in Reconstructive Surgery. In: Wei FC, Mardini S (Eds.), Flaps and Reconstructive Surgery, 2nd edition. Publisher: Elsevier, 2016.


  • Hendrickx B, Den Hondt M, Verdonck K, Vranckx JJ, Luttun A. Cell and Gene Transfer Strategies for Vascularization during Skin Wound Healing. In: Mahato R, Danquah M (Eds.), Emerging Trends in Cell and Gene Therapy. Publisher: Springer, 2013. 


​De afgelopen jaren gaf Dr. Den Hondt lezingen over thema's die haar nauw aan het hart liggen. Naast haar doctoraat over tissue engineering, is zij ook erg bevlogen over mentale gezondheid, zelfontwikkeling en ondernemerschap als vrouwelijk chirurg. Indien je interesse hebt in een samenwerking met Dr. Den Hondt, kan je hier contact met haar opnemen.












  • Den Hondt M, Wilssens N, Verhelle N, Vermeulen B. Setting up a migraine surgery practice - aiming for 2025. 
    Presentatie Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery - Autumn meeting, Brussel, België, 27 november 2021.


  • Den Hondt M, Bruyneel L, Seys D, Vanhaecht K. Second victimness - a call for appraisal.
    Presentatie Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery - Autumn meeting, La Hulpe, België, 25 november 2017.


  • Den Hondt M, Vranckx JJ. Trachea transplantation: the Leuven experience.
    Presentatie Chris O'Brien Lifehouse, Sydney, Australië, 24 juli 2017.


  • Den Hondt M, Vanaudenaerde B, Vranckx JJ. Tracheal tissue-engineering: Epithelial grafting of gently-decellularized rabbit trachea.
    Presentatie Euraps, Pisa, Italië, 24-27 mei 2017.


  • Den Hondt M, Vanaudenaerde B, Vranckx JJ. Tracheal tissue-engineering: Epithelial grafting of gently-decellularized rabbit trachea.
    Presentatie Plastic Surgery Research Council, Durham, Verenigde Staten, 4-7 Mei 2017.


  • Den Hondt M, Wilssens N, Laermans I, Vranckx JJ, Nanhekhan L, Boeckx W. Individualized learning on a four-day microsurgical training.
    Presentatie Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery - Spring meeting, Brussel, België, 22 april 2017.


  • Den Hondt M, Segers K, Nanhekhan L, Vandevoort M, Fabré G, Vranckx JJ, Van Brussel M. Paediatric burn management; a child is not a small adult.
    Presentatie Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery - Autumn meeting, La Hulpe, België, 19 november 2016.


  • Den Hondt M, Vanaudenaerde B, Vranckx JJ. Tracheal tissue-engineering: Epithelial grafting of gently-decellularized rabbit trachea.
    Presentatie joint meeting of Euraps Research Council - European Plastic Surgery Research Council, Brussel, België, 25-26 mei 2016.


  • Den Hondt M, Vanaudenaerde B, Vranckx JJ. Tracheal tissue-engineering: In-vivo response of mechanically-stripped rabbit trachea with autologous epithelial covering.
    Presentatie Belgian Surgical Week, 19-21 mei 2016.


  • Den Hondt M, Maughan E, Butler C, Crowley C, Vanaudenaerde B, Vranckx JJ. Structural evaluation and in vivo response of gently-decellularised rabbit trachea.
    Presentatie European Residents in Plastic Surgery. Favignana, Sicilië, 18-21 juni 2015.


  • Den Hondt M, Delaere P, Vranckx JJ. Detergent-enzymatic removal of allogenic epitopes of the trachea. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: vol. 134 (2).
    Presentation European Plastic Surgery Research Council. Hamburg, Duitsland, 21-24 augustus 2014, LOP07. 


  • Den Hondt M, Delaere P, Vranckx JJ. Tracheal allotransplantation and prefabrication for long tracheal stenosis with withdrawal of immunosuppression. From bed to bench. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: vol. 133 (35), 2014.
    Presentatie Plastic Surgery Research Council. New York, Verenigde Staten, 7-9 maart 2014, Abstract 38. 


  • Den Hondt M, Delaere P, Vranckx JJ. Tracheal allotransplantation: the next step. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: vol. 133 (35).
    Poster presentatie Plastic Surgery Research Council. New York, Verenigde Staten, 7-9 maart 2014, Abstract P20.


  • Den Hondt M, Delaere P, Vranckx JJ. Tracheal allotransplantation and prefabrication for long tracheal stenosis with withdrawal of immunosuppression. From bed to bench.
    Presentatie Resident's Seminar. Leuven, België, 16 september 2013, Abstract 9.


  • Den Hondt M, Delaere P, Vranckx JJ. Tracheal allotransplantation and prefabrication for long tracheal stenosis with withdrawal of immunosuppression: From bed to bench. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: vol. 132 (2), 2013. 
    Presentatie European Plastic Surgery Research Council. Hamburg, Duitsland 22-25 augustus 2013, Abstract LOP21.


  • Den Hondt M, Delaere P, Vranckx JJ. Tracheal allotransplantation: the learning curve. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: vol. 131 (5S), 2013.
    Presentatie European Plastic Surgery Research Council. Hamburg, Duitsland, 22-25 augustus 2013, 12, Best paper session - abstract 1.


  • Den Hondt M, Vranckx JJ, Delaere P. Tracheal allotransplantation and prefabrication for long tracheal stenosis with withdrawal of immunosuppression. From bed to bench. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: vol. 131 (5S), 2013.
    Presentatie Plastic Surgery Research Council. Santa Monica, Verenigde Staten, 2-4 mei 2013, Abstract 1.


  • Den Hondt M, Dekeyser B. Diagnosing abdominal pain in adults: is this the fast lane?
    Poster presentatie Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress. Kos, Griekenland, 10-14 september 2011.


  • Van Breussegem A, Den Hondt M, Tollens T, Verbist J, Peeters P, Aelvoet C, Vanrykel JP. Laparoscopic splenectomy in a patient with left-sided portal hypertension. A case report.
    Poster presentatie International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery. Turijn, Italië, 15-18 juni 2011.


  • Den Hondt M, Tollens T, Aelvoet C, Vanrykel J. Retrospective analysis of umbilical, epigastric, and small incisional hernia repair using the Ventralex™ hernia patch. Hernia, 15 (5), 531-540, 2011.
    Presentatie International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery. Turijn, Italië, 15-18 juni 2011.





  • Den Hondt M. Tracheatransplantatie - Poepsimpel
    Iedereen Beroemd, VRT, januari 2016.

Schets Pijl omlaag


Dit is een selectie van congressen, symposia en bijkomende opleidingen waar Dr. Den Hondt aan deelnam:

  • World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery (WSRM), Singapore (augustus 2023)

  • European Society of Plastic Surgery (EURAPS)​

    • Stockholm, Zweden (mei 2023)

    • Pisa, Italië (mei 2017)

    • Brussel, België (mei 2016)

  • American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery (ASRM), Miami, VS (januari 2023)

  • ISAPS expert Program: observership dr. Bahman Guyuron, grondlegger van de migraine chirurgie, Cleveland, Ohio, Verenigde Staten (februari 2022)

  • International ISAPS Fresh Cadaver Aesthetic Dissection Course on Facial Anatomy, Luik, België (januari 2022)

  • Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery (RBSPS)

    • Autumn meeting

      • Herfst 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023

    • Spring meeting

      • ​Lente 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)/MSS Migraine Surgery Symposium (oktober 2021)

  • ISAPS World Congress, Wenen, Oostenrijk (september 2021)

  • ASPS/MSS Advanced Migraine Surgery Course (oktober 2020)

  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)/MSS Migraine Surgery Symposium (oktober 2020)

  • BlooMEDical laser workshop (oktober 2020)

  • ISAPS Virtual Olympiad (september 2020)

  • Galderma botuline toxine & filler workshop (augustus 2020)

  • ISAPS residents and fellows congress, Brugge (oktober 2019)

  • EASAPS biennial meeting on facial rejuvenation, Brugge (oktober 2019)

  • On the Shoulders of Giants in Head and Neck Surgery, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australië (juni 2019)

  • Head & Neck Cadaver Dissection Course, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australië (maart 2019)

  • Merz in the City filler workshop, Hasselt (februari 2018)​​

  • 18th International Course on Perforator Flaps, Gent (november 2017)

  • CCR expo: clinical, cosmetic, reconstructive, Londen, Verenigd Koninkrijk (oktober 2017)

  • Hand Surgery Dissection Course, Maastricht, Nederland (september 2017)

  • EURAPS Research Council

    • Brussel (mei 2017)​

  • International ISAPS Fresh Cadaver Aesthetic Dissection Course on Facial Anatomy, Luik, België (januari 2017)

  • Applied biostatistics course (juni 2016)

  • Belgian Surgical Week, Brussel (mei 2016)​

  • European Residents in Plastic Surgery (EUREPS), Favignana, Italië (juni 2015)

  • Summer school Doctoral school: media training Michel Peremans (juli 2015)

  • Lasers in Plastic Surgery, Palermo, Sicilië (juni 2015)

  • Galderma workshop

    • Anatomy, prevention and treatment of adverse events (april 2015)

    • Start-up injectables (maart 2015)

  • ISCT Tracheal bio-engineering workshop, Parijs (april 2014)

  • Plastic Surgery Research Council (PSRC)

    • Durham, VS (mei 2017)

    • New York, VS (maart 2014)

    • Santa Monica, VS (mei 2013)

  • European Plastic Surgery Research Council (EPSRC)​​

    • Brussel, België - joint meeting with EURAPS Research Council (mei 2016)

    • Hamburg, Duitsland (augustus 2015)

    • Hamburg, Duitsland (augustus 2014)

    • Hamburg, Duitsland (augustus 2013)

  • American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery (ASRM), Naples, VS (januari 2013)

  • Microchirurgie 

    • Institute of Academic Surgery, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australië (juli 2018)

    • KU Leuven, België (2011 - 2018)

    • Universiteit Antwerpen, België (februari 2013)

  • Merz Master course on anatomy and ageing of the face, Antwerpen (februari 2012)

  • Laboratory Animal Science, KU Leuven, België (2012 - 2013)

  • Merz injectables symposium, Mechelen (september 2011)

  • Sixth Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress (september 2011)

  • Radioprotectie, KU Leuven, België (2010 - 2011)


  • RBSPS bestuurslid (Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery)

  • UHasselt klinieklector (Universiteit Hasselt)

  • PRS Partner Society Associate Editor (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal)

  • EURAPS ESMER committee member (Social Media & Educational Resource committee)

  • RBSPS member (Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery)

  • ASPS member (American Society of Plastic Surgeons)

  • ASRM member (American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery)

  • EURAPS member (European Association of Plastic Surgeons)

  • ISAPS member (International Society of Plastic Surgery)


Dr. Margot Den Hondt

Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg

Schiepse Bos 6

3600 Genk

089 32 61 91

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